Transform Your Surroundings
"I had these postcards framed for my bathroom. They were made for children to send to their parents from camp! I just loved the prints! There's one of a kid who had the back of his hair cut into a bull's-eye. Whimsical bathroom humour!" -D. Washburn, Stratford |
...returning home to a hallway of framed photos showing the growth of your family: Shots of your son in a white uniform and yellow belt doing a karate chop, your daughter whipping the soccer ball across the field, your husband paddling his canoe or your wife holding your newborn.
...retreating to a special room devoted to your personal "craziness". Maybe you collect vintage license plates, foreign stamps, rare baseball cards, The Beatles album covers or autographs from the Stratford Festival.
...bombarded daily by encouragement to follow your dreams. A copy of the cheque you received for writing your first short story (one day to be followed by your novel) sits framed over your desk. Or above your oven is displayed the newspaper clipping cheering the day you won the fair's contest for the greatest-tasting pumpkin pie in Perth County (soon to be the greatest in the world)! Or you've adorned the mantel with the watercolours you painted on your summer vacation in Newfoundland.
Art, collectibles, photos and personal histories all add your unique signature to your home or office. It's what makes it your home. But in order for their power to work something needs to aid the eye in making the transition from a white wall to a potent image.
A Private Portal To Daily Inspiration This, of course, is where custom framing steps forward. An art form dating back to the Ancient Roman Empire. Finds at Pompeii revealed that paintings were executed directly on the walls of homes with lines added to serve as a frame. And, of course, in "framing" I include matting. Matting creates a neutral space around your picture or memento. Matting allows it to emerge from its surroundings, bringing out its colours. And, of course, mats keep your delicate prints from touching the glass. How your frame looks, whether you're displaying a hockey shirt or the Mona Lisa, will affect the piece and your surroundings. And reflect your tastes. So it makes sense that you should have a big say in designing your frame. That's what you'll discover at My Custom Framer. An opportunity to custom design your own frame.
I'm here with over thirty years of experience in the visual arts. I can advise and make suggestions. But in the end this is going on display in your home. In fact, customers often say, "You have the same tastes as me." Sometimes I do. But more often I catch on quickly to what you're looking for. One lady, the first time she came, told me: "I don't like black mats." My response: "No problem." Now, whenever she drops by I help her find light colours that bring out the tones in her picture without dominating it. So when you frame your grandfather's journal or your child's first finger painting, it will have your "signature" tastes surrounding it. Another lady loves metal silver frames. I understand why she likes them. They are clean and crisp. And that's how I would describe her. And that's how her custom-made frame should be.
"I Love the Frame!" The Modern Crisis of Over-Framing
The goal is to enhance your piece not suffocate it. I won't try to sell you fancy frames and mats, in larger than needed proportions that don't suit your piece. My aim is to find the perfect style and colours that accent its mood, bringing the focus to your image (and not the framing).
After all, have you ever heard someone look at a picture and say: "I love the frame!" Think about it: If you frame a portrait you painted; your grandmother's christening dress; or your son's university degree, what do you want to notice first? The frame?
Instead I think it's essential for a framer to cut straight lines and measure properly so that no distracting flaws take away from the lifelong enjoyment of your piece.
Which brings me to my next point...
There's room for differences of opinion over colour of mats and type of frames but there's no excuse for sloppy workmanship!
Flawless craftsmanship. Attentiveness to detail. That's what you can expect from My Custom Framer.
89 Degrees is not 90 Degrees "Close Enough" is not "Good Enough" When you look at your picture or shadowbox it should look perfect. If there's even just a little dust under the glass, that's all you'll see when you look at it. So I personally ensure nothing leaves without meeting My Custom Framer's high standards.
I won't let you walk away with sloppy workmanship. I treat each piece as if Da Vinci had dropped by with the Mona Lisa.
"Can You Frame It?"
My name is Lucinda Jones. In 1996, after ten years of working in the visual arts field, I found my niche - custom framing.
While working as a framer in Waterloo, I began moonlighting at Colormat in Stratford one day each week. Eventually Colormat transformed into a full-time framing outlet with me serving as the chief framer. For five years business went well.
And then Colormat closed. Overnight.
I always feel like people entrust me with a part of their lives when they bring in their property. So I offered to deliver all the unfinished pieces to the customers.
That afternoon I filled my car with about twenty pictures and got a list of phone numbers and names.
And then something unexpected happened! I called the customers to let them know Colormat had closed and that I'd like to return their pictures.
A short silence followed. And then they'd ask, "Can you frame it?"
After all, they still needed their pictures framed. So I purchased a mat cutter and began working out of my home. I completed seventeen framing projects andone month later,I opened My Custom Framer in the current location..
Satisfied Customers
When you are handing over your treasures to someone else, I know how much trust that involves. To reassure you that your work will be not only safe... but framed with the thought of enhancing it, I offer these testimonials. I'm not trying to boast, but simply wish to offer some proof to back up my promises.
Discover the Selection and the Possibilities
Bring in your favourite photos, mementos, prints, artwork, needlework or anything else that has significance for you for a free quote. Think of visuals that would uplift you if you displayed them in your home or office, day after day.
Once I get an idea of what your tastes are and where the piece will be set, I'll suggest what presentation I think suits it from a selection of over 1000 frames and 400 mats. From rainbow-coloured to ornate wooden frames there's something for both the traditionalist and the modernist.
I'll surround your piece with samples, to give you an idea of how the final product will look. This way you can decide for yourself what pleases you.
Whether you are like Kerry, our local geologist, who came in asking for a blue speckled shadowbox; or like John who always wants neutral black mats and frames for his classical portraits, My Custom Framer will meet your needs.
I�ll write up quotes for the different variations you like. You're welcome to go home and consider the possibilities. There's never any obligation to purchase.
Once you've decided, leave your piece with me. Normally there is a two week turnaround time. When it's ready, I'll call you. When you come to pick it up, we'll have it ready on an easel to greet you at the door.
Rush Jobs: But if you need a job done fast, we'll do everything possible to meet your needs.
Flawless Craftsmanship Not a Dent, Scratch or Single Overcut 100% Guaranteed
When you come to pick up your piece, it should be perfect. But just in case I missed something, and you notice a small dent, a tiny scratch on the glass, a slight mistake in measurement, any flaw, then I'll redo it.
You won't have to hassle to have the job done right. One Last Story... Running the Marathon of Life All the Way to Your Worthiest Goals
Judy and Bob displayed every success of their son Jason. Didn't matter if it was a 10th place ribbon in cross country or a certificate from St. John Ambulance - it all had to be displayed behind glass, mat and frame.
This continued through high school until graduation. I finally had to ask, "Where do you find the space?" They told me, "We hang everything on our dining room's twelve foot high walls."
Well, all those small signs of recognition proved potent encouragement: Jason recently landed a scholarship with the University of Toronto's Department of Physics.
We Don't Just Frame Art We're Framing
Memories, recognition, sentiments, family unity, affections and other feelings that money is unable to produce.
My Custom Framer
The visuals that surround you affect your emotions and your awareness. They reflect your tastes. As one client said, "Oh man, you stand there and stare, it's hard to explain, but at the same time so tangible."
And then Laurie, one local painter, put it this way: "If I couldn't hang pictures in my home, I wouldn't want to wake up in the morning. I have to be surrounded by things I like and love."
Sincerely, Lucinda Jones My Custom Framer
P.S. Any questions, please feel free to call or email. I'd be happy to speak with you. Though, I can't give a quote on something I can't see. So it's still best to bring it in and we can give it a test run. There's never any obligation to purchase. We'll write out the details for you and you're welcome to go home and decide. Lucinda Jones, My Custom Framer Glass. Mat. Frame. Your Portal to Daily Inspiration. 42 Albert St., Stratford, ON N5A 3K3 (519) 272-9954
Coming North on Downie St.: Continue until you reach Albert St. (on the right immediately after City Hall). Make a right. My Custom Framer is in the second building on your left after the parking lot. Four white columns flank its entrance.
Coming North on Erie St.: Continue until you reach Ontario St. Make a right. Drive to the next intersection and make a right. Continue to the next intersection and turn left onto Albert St. My Custom Framer is in the second building on your left after the parking lot. Four white columns flank its entrance.
Coming South on Waterloo St.: Go south until you reach Albert St. (next street after Ontario St.). Make a right. My Custom Framer will be on your right. Four white columns flank its entrance.
Coming West on Ontario St.: Continue west until you reach Waterloo St. directly before the large Ukrainian Church. Make a left onto Waterloo St., and then right at the next intersection onto Albert St. My Custom Framer will be on your right. Four white columns flank its entrance.
Coming Southeast on Huron St.: Continue along Huron St. which will merge onto Ontario St. Continue driving east until you reach Downie St. Make a right and continue south until the first intersection (before City Hall). Turn left onto Albert St. My Custom Framer is in the second building on your left after the parking lot. Four white columns flank its entrance.